Dr. Becky Plotner is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board. She is a traditional naturopath, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Doctor of Pastoral Sciences, and was deemed “The GAPS Expert” by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in 2017. She is classified as a practitioner literate in Lyme, Iodine and chelation. She serves on Dr Natasha’s GAPS Board of Directors, is on the GAPS Staff as an instructor teaching Certified GAPS Practitioners in Training, as well as Certified GAPS Coaches in training.
Becky begins our conversation by talking about the healing power of natural medicine and how she has relied on it to treat her own health condition. For Becky, food is truly medicine. From meat stock and fermented foods to organ meats, these old ways of cooking are the best way of cooking.
Over the last few decades, many of the foods that are the most nourishing have also been demonized. She explains that animals fats and meats are deeply nourishing. In fact, for most tribal communities, the organ meats are the most prized and given to the tribal elders and shamans. These are the foods that are the most nutrient dense.
Becky says that real healing happens in the kitchen. She also says that food is love, and it’s a gift that we can give to our loved ones.
It’s been said that the root of all illness is toxicity and deficiency. This modern world is a toxic soup and more polluted than ever before in our history. Beneficial microbes are critical for helping to facilitate detoxification.
Later, Becky explains the impact of microbes and the status of the gut on mental health. Many people don’t see the connection between microbes and the psyche, but these microbes can literally cause negative thoughts and emotions.
For Becky, the time for action is right now. She wants people to feel empowered and to just get started – one meal at a time. Enjoy this wonderful conversation with the always inspiring Becky Plotner!
You can learn more about Becky as well as the GAPS protocol right here: https://gapsprotocolhelp.com/category/nourishingplot/
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