drew scott pearlman podcast host


Greg Rothwell’s interests have led him into many aspects of collaborative creative work since his early teens. His work has ranged from performing, writing and recording music to helping open and promote music venues, running events and live sound to producing radio shows, as well as writing scores and audio editing for film. As the audio editor for The Drew Pearlman Show, Greg brings in his collaborative spirit to work with Drew always brainstorming their next steps. Also, Greg has been writing and recording original music for his own group, The Discussions and is co-writing a collection of children’s songs and stories for books and film.

Amogh Agarwal

ABOUT Amogh Agarwal

Amogh Agarwal is a multifaceted artist with a strong background in music composition and production. He has experience working at top of the line studios in New York & Boston, collaborating with artists like RJD2, Foreigner, Big Yuki to name a few. He also writes music for Indian Film Industry and is currently in the process of producing his own album along with some emerging artists in the India Independent music scene.  Amogh has worked with Drew on various projects; most recently he composed the music for The Drew Pearlman Show.


Survival of the Happiest with Maria Rodale

Maria Rodale is an explorer in search of the mysteries of the universe. She is the author of Love Nature Magic, Shamanic Journeys into the Heart of My Garden, Organic Manifesto and Scratch.  She is also the recovering CEO and Chairman of Rodale Inc, and also published...

The Art of Allowing with Drew Pearlman

In this latest solo-cast episode, Drew speaks about a powerful yet often under appreciated spiritual concept called the Art of Allowing.  He begins by sharing these words by the Persian poet Rumi: "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the...

Breathe Your Power with Bob Soulliere

Bob Soulliere is an Advanced or Level 2 Certified Wim Hof Method Instructor, Oxygen Advantage Instructor, Buteyko Educator, a dad, a husband, a Crossfitter, a novice open water swimmer, a cybersecurity process person, and a planking savant.  He is also an explorer of...