Don Jose Ruiz is a Toltec Master of Transformation and modern-day Shaman.  He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Night lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz, author of New York Times bestseller The Four Agreements. He is the author of The Fifth AgreementRipples of Wisdom, and My Good Friend The Rattlesnake. Along with his family, he teaches workshops and offers transformational journeys around the world.

For Jose, everyone is an artist.  He talks about creating his beautiful artwork and poetry.  Even if you use technology or artificial intelligence, it’s the soul that is doing the self-expression.  He says Toltec means “artist of the spirit.”  His art makes him feel happy and content.

Jose speaks about the concept of un-learning.  He says in the Toltec tradition, you must un-learn what takes away your inspiration.  He explains that the main purpose is to enjoy the dance of life. 

However, when you are addicted to suffering, you make things serious, and you lose your joy.  Finding the joy means letting your spirit free. 

Jose says it’s so important to be authentic.  In fact, first step out of the cycle of suffering is self-honesty. He says we must be willing to acknowledge and even voice what we are truly feeling.  It’s better to be honest than to pretend.  

So much wisdom in this latest episode with visionary shaman Don Jose Ruiz.  Enjoy the episode!  

You can learn more about Jose on his website here and check out his beautiful artwork and poems here.

 And you can find his brand new book The Shaman’s Path to Freedom here.